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Cathy Lalley, PhD

Associate Dean


About Lalley

Dr. 莱利是一位开拓性的领导者. 她帮助塑造医疗保健教育的未来. 在三十多年的职业生涯中. Lalley fosters a culture of continuous learning and excellence. 积极参与临床医生, 博士教师和学生, she champions ongoing professional development and pursues research excellence to transform healthcare.  

With experience since 2009 in clinical and online higher education, Dr. Lalley seamlessly blends theoretical knowledge with practical application. Her journey from a registered nurse to a leader in clinical hospital care and electronic health record implementations showcases her commitment to advancing healthcare using technology. 

作为学生的导师. Lalley guides their exploration into a realm where ideas come to life. Recognizing innovation as the heartbeat of higher education, her leadership intricately guides the design of our courses and programs. Dr. Lalley’s research includes nurses’ use of health information technology and how they work-around it to meet the needs of patients.  

Dr. Cathy Lalley is dedicated to nurturing excellence in doctoral students through meaningful and supportive mentorship relationships.  

Dr. Lalley’s expertise transforms education into a dynamic and transformative experience where innovation thrives, 卓越是标准. Dr. Lalley takes pride in her inclusive approach to faculty development. Dr. Lalley actively recruits, 指导和培训跨学科的终身教职, tenure-track and doctoral faculty creating a diverse and interprofessional academic community. 

Dr. Lalley is the dissertation chair for multiple healthcare administration research projects. She role models for faculty the pivotal role they play in guiding and supporting students to achieve success in their academic endeavors. 作为副院长 卫生行政博士 program, Dr. Lalley believes in the power of mentorship to shape the next generation of scholars. She is dedicated to nurturing excellence in doctoral students through meaningful and supportive mentorship relationships.  

  • PhD, Healthcare Innovation Leadership, Arizona State University  
  • Master of Healthcare Innovation, Arizona State University  
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Arizona State University

Dr. Cathy Lalley is dedicated to nurturing excellence in doctoral students through meaningful and supportive mentorship relationships.  


  • Lalley, C. (2014). Workarounds and obstacles: Unexpected source of innovation. 护理管理季刊, 38(1), 69-77. 
  • Krahe, J.A.E., Lalley, C., & Solomons, N.M. (2014). Beyond survival: Fostering growth and innovation in Doctoral Study – A concept analysis of the Ba space. 国际护理教育奖学金, 11(1), 1-8. 
  • Lalley, C. (2013). 变通方法:这是一个感知问题. Nurse Leader, 11(2), 36-40. 
  • Lalley, C. & Malloch, K. (2010). 变通方法:通往卓越的隐藏之路. Nurse Leader, 8(4), 29-32. 

Book chapters:

  • Lalley, C. & Clouthier, K. (2021). Emergence and disruption: Working on the edge of evidence. In S. Davidson & D. Weberg (Eds.), 2nd Edition.  Evidence and Innovation: 用已知的东西通向未知 (pp. 55-75). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. 
  • Lalley, C. & Clouthier, K. (2017). Emergence and disruption: Working on the edge of evidence. In S. Davidson, D. Weberg, T. Porter-O’Grady, & K. Malloch (Eds.), Evidence and Innovation: 用已知的东西通向未知 (pp. 217-240). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. 


  • 如何让博士学位为你工作. 全体主题,博士之旅座谈会,2023年.  
  • Vulnerability Principles in Doctoral Education: Creating a Safe Student Networking Space. 工作坊,无知识 边界,2021.
  • 使用思维导图推进医疗保健创新. Workshop, ASU Executive Fellowship in Innovation Healthcare Leadership, 2018.
  • 医疗保健创新思维导图. Workshop, ASU Executive Fellowship in Innovation Healthcare Leadership, 2017. 
  • 亚利桑那州立大学-康尼创新之旅. Podium, American Association of Colleges of Nursing, Doctoral Education Conference, 2017. 
  • Healthcare Innovation in a Relational Key: Forming and Being Formed by Relational Leadership Practices in Healthcare. Workshop, Relational Practices in Health and Healthcare, 2016.
  • 意义制造、研究和认同. Symposium, Qualitative Health Research Conference, 2016.  
  • 跨专业发展中的学生视角. Poster, Collaborating Across Curriculum Boarders III, Education (IPE), 2012. 
  • Beyond Survival: Fostering Growth and Innovation in Doctoral Study. Podium, Western Institute of Nursing Annual Conference, 2011. 
  • Factors that Influence Use of Electronic Health Records in Hospitals. Poster, Western Institute of Nursing Annual Conference, 2010. 


  • Reviewer for Nursing Administrative Quarterly, 2015–Present  
  • Reviewer for American Medical Informatics Association, 2013–Presen

Teaching experience:

Dr. Lalley has taught and teaches many courses using theories of innovation and system design to explore access to care, 人口健康和保健费用. 


  • 博士研究生卫生管理导论 
  • 复杂卫生组织的风险管理  
  • 创造性和批判性思维 
  • 创新与个人  
  • 健康创新硕士顶点  
  • Understanding and Applying Principles of Evidence-based Practice  
  • 复杂环境中的系统思维  
  • 医疗保健创新中的技术  
  • 传播创新  
  • 卫生保健政策和法规 
  • 卫生保健计划的评估 
  • 当代领导问题 
  • 论文升学推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 


  • Holds an active and in good standing Arizona Registered Nurse License, Multi State Privileges


  • 美国护士协会 
  • 美国护理领导组织(AONL) 
  • 美国医疗管理人员学院 
  • American Association of University Administrators (AAUA)