

人们经常追求护理事业,因为他们有这样的愿望 帮助别人. 传统上, 在医院的地板上, 这意味着评估症状, administering medication and providing emotional support to patients and their loved ones.

The flipside of this career is that working on the floor can be both physically and emotionally tiring. 长时间的站立,以及工作对身体和情感的要求, 比如每天搬动病人,目睹创伤, 会造成伤害. 因此,注册护士(RNs)最终可能会寻找 可选择的工作机会或管理在那里,他们仍然可以使用他们的医疗技能并继续帮助他人.


如果你是注册护士 让你的护理事业走上一条不同的道路,有几件事需要考虑.

问这些问题会对你有所帮助 确定一个潜在的角色 或者两个你感兴趣的. 从这里开始,重要的是 研究具体的路径 你能得到那个结果吗.

例如,如果你有兴趣成为一名 公共卫生护士, 你首先需要参加一个经过认证的护理推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜, 通过NCLEX-RN考试,并有至少两年的护士工作经验. There is also an optional certification nurses can obtain called Certified Public Health (CPH). 还建议继续接受教育和培训. 如果你已经是注册护士,但没有学士学位, 你可以考虑推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的学位推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 注册护士,护理学学士学位 学位.

但公共卫生只是一个选择. Here are five other career options nurses can consider when they’re ready for a change.


注册护士可选择的职业范围很广, 从面向病人的角色到专注于管理的角色, 教育和分析. 对于那些寻找 护士的其他职业,了解有哪些选择是很有帮助的. Here are five nursing careers for RNs who have a desire to continue helping others but are looking for careers off the hospital floor.

1. 信息学护士

卫生信息学 is a growing field centered on the use of computers and information technology for the 管理与分析 电子健康档案(EHR). An EHR is essentially the aggregated information that makes up a patient’s medical history. 它可以包括医疗保健提供者所做的笔记和观察, 实验室和测试结果, 和免疫.

医疗保健提供者可以快速地与医生共享这些数据, 护士和保险公司通过计算机网络.

Nurses who practice in informatics are experienced in using informatics technology to improve patient outcomes. 他们的 主要职责 包括:

护理 informatics can make for a rewarding alternative career for registered nurses who want less time directly meeting with patients, 同时对患者健康仍有积极影响. 

工作要求: 加上临床经验, 注册护士至少需要获得护理学学士学位(BSN). 有些职位需要信息学专业的护理学硕士学位. 此外,护士可以获得认证,包括 信息学护理认证 来自美国护士资格认证中心.

* University of Phoenix does not educationally prepare for this role and cannot guarantee this job outcome.

2. 护士经理

护士经理的角色对那些感兴趣的人来说是有吸引力的 领导力与成长. 医疗保健 facilities are complex operations requiring coordination across several departments and teams, 同时为病人提供高质量的护理.

护士经理负责 几个关键方面 这些操作. 职责包括:

护士管理者依靠多年的临床经验, critical thinking skills and communication to make sure their team performs at its best.

工作要求: Employers often look for nurses with ample experience on the floor and who have demonstrated an ability to lead a hospital wing or team 的护士. For roles such as nurse manager, clinical manager or charge nurse, employers may require a BSN 对于诊所和社区医疗保健设置等设置, 但是急症护理医院可能需要硕士学位. 也有 一些认证 在这个领域可用.

3. 护士教育工作者

护士教育是一个广泛而至关重要的领域 培训和发展 的护士. 护士教育工作者在各种环境中工作,从医院到大学教室. They are generally experienced nurses who have transitioned out of day-to-day work with patients and now use their experience to help deliver and evaluate learning outcomes in a variety of healthcare settings.

首先, 护士教育工作者 都可以在 医疗保健设置或教室其中一些人还从事咨询工作. They support the evaluation of competencies and skills mandated and evaluated by the profession, 州卫生部门和联邦法律.

在临床环境中工作, 护士教育工作者 are responsible for teaching nurses’ clinical techniques and procedures and helping them stay apprised of research about patient care.

在课堂环境中, 护士教育工作者 make up the professors and researchers who prepare new generations 的护士. 他们开发推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜, 从事研究并利用他们的护理经验向学生传授有价值的技能.

工作要求: In addition to several years of clinical experience, 护士教育工作者 typically need at least a 护理学硕士(MSN)学位. 要在大学教书,通常需要博士学位. 然而, skilled nursing facilities and community clinics may have positions that use BSN nurses as their primary education staff.

4. 公共卫生护士

For nurses looking for opportunities outside of hospitals but who still desire to have a direct impact on the lives of patients, 公共卫生护士的角色是值得考虑的.

公共卫生护士发挥着持续的作用 保护社区的健康,他们以整体的视角来迎接挑战. 换句话说, 他们关心的是更广泛的趋势, such as expanding access to health services and monitoring potential threats to public health.


工作要求: 加上临床经验, 成为一名公共卫生护士需要护理文凭或副学士学位. 因为有责任处理更大范围的公共卫生问题, 有些雇主更喜欢注册护士有他们的BSN.

5. 护理主任

护理部主任,也被称为 护理主管她是一名行政领导职位的注册护士. They handle the administration of entire nursing departments in various healthcare settings. 他们可以承担广泛的责任, from interpreting and rewriting policies and objectives of nursing service to establishing or overseeing their department’s budget. 沟通和解决冲突的能力 在成为一名富有成效的护理主任方面发挥重要作用.


工作要求: To 成为一名护理主管, you’ll need to be a registered nurse with years of experience and will likely need a bachelor’s 学位 in nursing. 获取BSN后, 在获得护理经验的同时, you may want to consider enrolling in and completing a Master of Science in 护理 and then a Doctor of 护理 to gain further education as well as leadership and other practice skills.


如果你是一个有兴趣改变的注册护士,推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜(UOPX)可以帮助你. 大学招收本科生, graduate and doctoral 学位s that can enable RNs to move into the administrative and education side of healthcare.

例如,UOPX提供了一个 注册护士到护理学学士(BSN)学位 帮助注册护士为病人做更多的事情. 在这个学位推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜中, RNs can develop the skills to eventually pursue roles like charge nurse and director of nursing.

这所大学还提供了一个 基于能力(CBE)的RN到BSN program for nurses who already have a nursing license and one year of clinical experience. The CBE 学位 allows nurses to earn credit for the competencies and skills they already have so they can focus on learning what they don’t know. 通过该计划,注册护士可以在不到一年的时间内以不到1万美元的价格获得BSN.

对于已经获得BSN的注册护士,大学将提供 护理理学硕士,有几个专业选择. 学生可以选择信息学等专业, 护士教育, 护士管理和家庭护士执业.  









