
Reviewed by 凯利赫尔曼, MSED, Vice President, 可访问性, Equity and 包容

Woman hiding her face into her shirt after facing disability stigma.


隐形残疾有多普遍? If University of Phoenix invited 100 statistically representative U.S. 在亚利桑那校区的成人中,多达12人可能会使用轮椅或辅助行走设备. Six might wear hearing aids or cochlear implants. 近五名有视力障碍或失明的学生可能会使用一根白色手杖,或者在导游的帮助下在校园里导航.


Undetected among these guests, 如何ever, would be many hidden disabilities. 事实上,根据 national statistics on invisible disabilities:

  • 20人患有阅读障碍
  • 18人会有抑郁症
  • 15人患有偏头痛
  • 4到5个会有多动症
  • 其中2到3人患有躁郁症

“Hidden or invisible disabilities are not immediately apparent,凯利·赫尔曼说, 访问副总裁, equity and inclusion 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜. “但它们对一个人日常生活活动的影响与我们所看到的残疾一样重要.”

Invisible disabilities can range from chronic pain and fatigue to, 正如前面提到的, 难语症, 偏头痛, 注意力缺陷多动障碍或精神疾病——以及许多其他影响一个人进行生活活动的能力的诊断. Hidden disabilities (as well as visible ones) can affect both 如何 一个人做了一项生命活动 需要多长时间? 做这个活动.


推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜鼓励有有形或无形残疾的学生申请住宿, 或者对推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜体验的某些方面进行调整,以减轻残疾的影响. 住宿包括:

  • 有更多的时间来完成作业
  • Written materials formatted for text-to-speech tools
  • 直播或录制视频的字幕

Many other accommodations exist, so it’s important to ask a member of the 学生住宿办公室小组 关于什么是可用的.

不幸的是, asking is exactly the step that some students decide not to pursue — because, 不管你喜不喜欢, disability stigma still exists in this world.


It’s hard to ask for help with invisible disabilities. “And with adult students, sometimes there’s this feeling of ‘I 想要 to do it myself. 我不 想要 寻求帮助,’”赫尔曼说. Add to that the stigma of being labeled with a disability, 而且许多学生在遇到暂时的健康问题或永久性残疾时不会寻求他们需要的帮助.

有很多关于残疾人住宿的痛苦评论或现实的例子, 包括:

  • A false belief that an accommodated student is helpless
  • An assumption that an accommodated student is intellectually challenged
  • A false belief that an accommodated student is lying, weak or incapable
  • 歧视或刻板印象

赫尔曼讲述了她的第一个学生(在另一所大学),他对使用住宿设施犹豫不决——一个退休的卡车司机,背部受伤,很难坐在教室的椅子上. “He was hesitant when I explained all the things we could do for him. He didn’t 想要 anyone saying he didn’t earn his degree himself,” she says.

然后,赫尔曼有了一个主意. She asked the student if he had seen students using wheeled back packs on campus. 他见过很多这样的人, 于是她问,使用轮式书包是否意味着学生们不用自己背书.

就像他的灵光一现. “No, the students are still getting their books from point A to point B.” The wheels made it easier, but they didn’t do the job for them.

“轮子是住宿设施. You’re still getting from point A to point B yourself, but you’re not using all your energy to do it, so you have the energy you need to focus on your class,赫尔曼说, 回忆他们的谈话. 

How University of Phoenix can help students with visible and invisible disabilities

For students who 想要 to apply 残疾人士住宿, a link to 申请住宿 在Blackboard的每门推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜中都有, the classroom management system used 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜.

Even if your disability has not been diagnosed (e.g., it’s a recent injury or an ongoing situation you haven’t sought medical treatment for), 我们鼓励学生申请. “我们会暂时给你安排住宿,让你有时间预约医生,赫尔曼说.

Once a student has filled out the accommodations form, 学生住宿办公室的一名成员将在24至48小时内通过电话与您联系,以确定您的资格. “我们的本科推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜只有5周,所以我们没有那么多时间,”赫尔曼说.


赫尔曼说,标准标准是: 这取决于. “We look at our students holistically, and we ask open-ended questions, such as:

  • How is this disability s如何ing up for you when you sit down to do your coursework?
  • Have you tried to address 如何 it’s affecting you?
  • 什么是有效的?
  • 你有医生写的信吗——或者你能拿到一封——能帮助我们了解你的症状表现吗?

赫尔曼承认,有时候学生不可能为隐形残疾提供证明文件. 例如, if a student was diagnosed with a learning disability 30 years ago, the student simply may not have access to those records.


1. 应用 在新窗口中打开 残疾人士住宿.

2. 联系UOPX接收小组. 

A member will call you, but you can reach them at 602-557-1157.

3. Participate in an intake interview with the 学生住宿办公室. 

Share details about your diagnosis and 如何 it affects you. Accommodation applications are assessed case by case. 



数据不会说谎. The average increase of 30-day retention for accommodated students at UOPX was 14.2023年为3%(与披露残疾但未使用住宿的学生相比)*.

换句话说, 更多使用住宿的学生完成推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜并继续学习下一个推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜. “这是一个很大的飞跃. Accommodations can really be the difference-maker,赫尔曼说.

In 2023, the University accommodated more than 15,000 students. 要求最多的是延长交作业的时间而不受处罚.

What is the right amount of time students need?

再一次。 这取决于.

对一些学生来说, 四天就够了, 而且他们可以在下课后把所有的东西都放进去,而不需要额外申请延期,赫尔曼说. 对其他人来说,时机可能有所不同.

最后, 赫尔曼鼓励任何有隐形残疾的学生在Blackboard的“工具和资源”部分找到住宿链接,或者直接和他们的导师或学术顾问交谈. 教职员工可以为表示有残疾的学生启动转诊系统.

有些学生在透露自己的残疾后,是否会有负面的态度或看法? 这种情况时有发生,但越来越罕见.

“大学的教职员工致力于成为成人学生最值得信赖的职业相关高等教育提供者,赫尔曼说. “如果学生们在想, 我希望有人能帮我,但我不想问, 我会鼓励他们打电话给学生住宿办公室,了解更多关于他们的选择. They don’t have to use accommodations if they aren’t comfortable, 但我们希望有机会分享其他学生的经历,以及我们如何提供帮助.”

就是这个观点, 赫尔曼说,, that makes University of Phoenix an inclusive, 为有有形和无形残疾的学生提供支持的地方——一所打破无形残疾和残疾住宿的污名的大学.

*2023 data collected by University of Phoenix as part of its accessibility initiatives.

了解更多有关 学生住宿办公室 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜.

University of Phoenix 工作place 可访问性 Report 

为了更好地了解工作场所对残疾员工的无障碍意识和做法, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜委托哈里斯民意调查对信息技术管理者进行了一项调查, 教育和保健. 调查结果说明了无障碍技能在医疗保健工作场所领域的总体价值, 教育与科技.



一个journalist-turned-marketer, 劳里·戴维斯自从高中高级作文老师说她违反了太多规则后,就一直在写作. She has worked with University of Phoenix since 2017, 目前,她的时间主要花在写博客和担任大学学术年度报告的主要撰稿人上. 以前, 她为MADD撰写营销内容, Kaiser Permanente, 按摩嫉妒, 联合包裹, 以及其他民族品牌. 她和她的丈夫和儿子住在凤凰城,这是她写过的最好的故事. 



As Vice President, 可访问性, Equity and 包容, 凯利赫尔曼 leads services to students with disabilities, digital accessibility initiatives and the Office of 教育al Equity. 她是高等教育和残疾协会(AHEAD)在线学习和远程教育特别兴趣小组的主席,也是1Ed Tech无障碍工作小组的主席,并经常就AHEAD的主题发表演讲, 共同体, WCET和其他全国性组织.


This article has been vetted by University of Phoenix's editorial advisory committee. 


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