教育学院院长帕姆·罗格曼(Pam Roggeman)的照片.

看过的 帕梅拉·米. Roggeman,教育学博士,教育学院院长

Black female teacher speaking to young students who are sitting on the floor looking upward toward her

在教室里, a teacher has the power to welcome students and create an environment that fosters learning, 友谊与归属感. 任何老师或个人 努力成为一名教育家 有影响学生的力量吗, 无论是作为一个榜样, a source of emotional support or an instructor who inspires a lifelong love of learning.

但在这一切发生之前, 学生需要有归属感,并融入到学习过程中. 这就是包容性课堂的本质, 当老师努力为每个人创造一个温馨的环境时,就会发生这种情况.

建立一个一致的习惯, 塑造可接受的课堂行为, making learning fun and performing other key actions are all necessary to create an inclusive and welcoming environment for young learners.


教师促进课堂包容性的一种方法是鼓励开放, 学生之间的坦诚对话. 如果老师或学生在课堂上犯了错误,重要的是要承认错误. Teachers can model this by accepting responsibility for their own mistakes (“I forgot the materials for today’s project. 我很抱歉.”) and encouraging students to do the same thing (“It’s OK if you forgot your homework. 你可以明天交,拿一半学分.”). 这只是成为老师的一种方式 伟大的老师.


游览课堂审美影响学生. 装修时, 选择主题通常更容易, 将整个房间联系在一起的颜色或风格. Be sure to check with your school and school district about rules for decorations in classrooms.

牢记多样性也很重要. 如果你在教室里挂学生的海报, 确保描述一个多样化的群体,以确保没有人感到被排斥. 课堂上的表现和课堂外的表现同样重要.

Studies have shown it’s also possible that even color in a classroom can have an impact on students. 营销人员和心理学家早就意识到了这一点 颜色对行为和情绪的影响. 例如, 红色被认为是更具侵略性和主动性的颜色, 而蓝色是一种更加平静和安静的色调.

如果你在 远程学校还是面对面, you can even shift the color of your background and your presentations for the chance to potentially improve the students’ moods and engagement.


Creating a consistent classroom schedule is another way to make students feel comfortable and safe, 因为时间表可以帮助学生知道每天要做什么.

包容性的一部分是为学生提供空间 有各种各样的技能和奋斗. 在建立你的课堂常规时, set aside additional time to help students who may have special needs or require extra assistance. Taking the time to go out of your way for individuals can make all the difference in their learning experience. If you create an environment where students know they all bring something unique to the table, 理想情况下,这将有助于他们的信心.


Being active in the classroom can create a more inclusive environment that fosters skills such as teamwork and cooperation. 积极的习惯是健康生活的重要组成部分, 通过在你的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜中加入积极的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜, 你可以在你的学生中培养这些习惯.

Having physical activity in the curriculum can make learning fun while promoting health and wellness. 例如,在你的学校周中包括体育教育. This can look like taking your class out for a game of dodgeball or whatever other opportunities your school may offer that gets everyone outside and moving.


One part of maintaining your classroom is staying in regular contact with parents and guardians. 在你开始教学和与父母互动之前,一定要建立你自己的 教学理念. 这可能会帮助你度过困难的情况和对话.

你可能需要联系父母或监护人的原因有很多. 虽然有些人可能认为老师只有在学生遇到麻烦的时候才会打电话, 但情况并非总是如此. One way to help students feel more welcome is to call home and tell their caregivers about good things they have done in your classroom.


当学习变成乐趣, students are more likely to pay attention, learn new things and apply what they’ve learned.


  • Small breaks throughout the day when students are allowed to stretch and dance to get their blood flowing in between lessons
  • 帮助学生准备测验和考试的教育游戏
  • 实践项目和表演,以补充传统的书面报告
  • 混合式学习机会 它结合了虚拟和面对面的学习

Adding fun can have an amazing impact on your students, and it also makes your workday more exciting.


Expressing pride in your students can make them feel more welcome in your classroom and create a stronger bond. 家庭为学生感到骄傲是一回事, 毕竟, and another thing altogether to inspire those feelings in a person whom a student respects and admires.

When giving compliments to students, focus on academic and extracurricular accomplishments. You can also compliment specific personality traits, such as patience, leadership and curiosity. 即使是一个简短的、积极的互动也能对学生产生积极的影响.


创造一个安全的空间对你的学生也有好处. This means your classroom is a place where your students can come to you with their problems and difficulties. 你可以鼓励学生和你谈论成功和挑战, 但你必须准备好提供中立和鼓励的指导作为回报.

一个安全的空间并不仅仅意味着你在他们身边. 这也意味着你的课堂提倡尊重和礼貌,禁止欺凌. 通过促进情感安全的课堂文化, 你让学生知道他们都是受欢迎的,并且在一个安全的环境中.

A safe space can also provide an environment where students feel free to speak and not be judged. 能够公开表达自己的意见可能会建立他们的信心.


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A graduate of Johns Hopkins University and its Writing Seminars program and winner of the Stephen A. 狄克逊文学奖, 迈克尔·费德 brings an eye for detail and a passion for research to every article he writes. 他的学术和专业背景包括市场营销经验, 内容开发, 脚本编写和SEO. 今天, he works as a multimedia specialist at University of Phoenix where he covers a variety of topics ranging from healthcare to IT.



作为推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜教育学院院长, Pamela Roggeman has spent over a decade in higher education teacher preparation in both the public and private sector. Her experience has included national partnerships that help to advance thought leadership in the field of education. Dr. Roggeman also serves as the President of the Arizona 教育al Foundation’s Board of Directors.






