Jessica Roper

看过的 Jessica Roper, MBA她是推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜就业服务中心主任



  • Industries that tend to offer better job security 和 steady employment include healthcare, Education, basic service industries, 公用事业公司 和 政府, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
  • Seek specialization within your role, especially opportunities that offer real value to a company.
  • Developing an adaptable mindset 和 building highly transferable skills can help you weather layoffs 和 economic downturns.
  • Enhance your business acumen 和 knowledge through an online business degree.

通常被认为是相对安全的, high-dem和 industry, the tech sector has been hit hard by the recent economic changes impacting the U.S. With more than 164,000 layoffs in 2022 和 170,2023年的前三个月就失去了000个工作岗位, according to 裁员.仅供参考, many tech workers are feeling considerably less secure 和 looking for ways to shore up their career paths against roller-coaster market trends. 

Whether you’re currently out of work or just looking for recession-resistant jobs, there are several ways you can help improve your chances of maintaining your position when the market is down. Here are five of them.

1. Look for hardy sectors

一些行业的抗衰退能力比其他行业差, 和 as the markets shift, 在经济衰退中表现最好的行业并不总是相同的行业. 但多年来,一些行业趋于保持弹性.

在抗衰退工作名单上名列前茅的是医疗行业, 公用事业公司, 政府, Education和杂货服务等消费必需品. 这些行业无论在经济繁荣时期还是不景气时期都至关重要 don’t depend on buyer optimism.

Other opportunities can be harder to spot in advance but demonstrate similar essential-services traits. For instance, 在COVID-19大流行最严重的时候, when people mostly stayed home, 移动应用程序, online entertainment, 游戏和家庭Education蓬勃发展. The takeaway is that meeting people’s needs pays即使是在市场不确定的情况下.

2. Identify perennial roles

而在一个抗衰退的行业工作是有帮助的, it’s also a good idea to seek roles that are more likely to weather economic storms.

Notable industries 包括医疗、政府和Education. These industries tend to be 受利率影响较小, 根据CNBC最近的一篇文章, 涵盖了从教师到执法人员的广泛角色.

Beware of roles that can easily fold into the responsibilities of an adjacent function,例如社交媒体管理或品牌营销. Jobs like these can be important to a company in good times but look like nice-to-haves when a business is cutting back during a recession. If another team can do what you do, your job may be first on the chopping block.

3. 学习如何识别公司的危险信号

当你评估工作机会的时候, always remember that you’re interviewing the interviewer 和 should do your best to spot any red flags. 特别地,在像 Glassdoor网站 和 Fairygodboss to check for signs of high turnover (particularly executive turnover) or a history of layoffs, 哪些是公司不稳定的迹象.

If you’re in tech, the site Crunchbase实际上, which tracks startups, 大大小小的公司的融资轮和新闻稿, 是了解一家公司如何运作的一种资源吗, 投入了多少资金,领导团队是否稳定.

In an interview, even if you’re not in sales, 最好是询问公司的收入表现. 公司是否达到了目标? 销售代表的业绩好吗? 其他员工是否一直达到他们的奖金标准? 如果你的面试官在回答这些问题时感到不安, 你应该更深入地了解原因.

4. Differentiate your role

当裁员迫在眉睫时,企业就会寻找裁员的机会. 事实上,在一些国家,这个词 redundancies 是我们在美国的委婉说法.S. call layoffs. 避免成为冗余的最好方法是避免冗余的角色.

Regardless of a company’s size, you can test for redundancy during your interview process. Ask the hiring manager how many other people in the organization have the same function, 还有多少其他部门也在做同样的事情. 如果你被雇佣来扩大现有职位的能力, you can be let go if dem和 for that function drops during an economic downturn.

即使你和几个人在做同样的事情, you can look for ways to exp和 your role to fill key needs for the business. Taking on important specialized tasks that others aren’t performing can help differentiate you from the pack 和 help with job security. Just be sure you’re taking on specialization that’s essential rather than novel (和 that you’re valued accordingly for that skill set or knowledge). It’s a lot harder to let go of the account manager who’s proven uniquely able to manage the toughest account than the one who has taken on organizing the company picnics.

5. Optimize for adaptability

工作来了又走,但适应性强的人总是需要的. 培养在任何工作中都有用的技能,并不断学习. In a topsy-turvy market, a jack-of-all-trades is a master of none but often better than a master of one.

Relationship management skills (both internally 和 externally) 和 project management skills go a long way regardless of your industry or job function. Demonstrating highly versatile skills can be a shield of immunity when management is looking at whom to cut.

自满, on the other h和, 导致的风险, 和 those who count on things staying the same are most vulnerable to change. Strengthen your position by reading your industry’s trade periodicals 和 spotting innovation 和 trends. Integrate continuing Education into your lifestyle, taking courses in new or emerging skill sets. Take on challenging projects 和 ask your employer to fund relevant training to develop your skills in ways that advance the company’s interests.

While no amount of training 和 skill development can totally shield you from a round of layoffs when a recession occurs, developing an adaptable mindset 和 building highly transferable skills can ensure that even if you do lose your job, 你会更好地准备去寻找新的工作.

Portrait of Robert Strohmeyer


Robert Strohmeyer is a serial entrepreneur 和 executive with more than 30 years of experience starting 和 running companies. He has served in leadership roles at three successful software startups over the past decade, 和 his writing on business 和 technology has appeared in such publications as Wired, PCWorld的这个清单, 《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》, Executive Travel, Smart 业务, 业务week 和 many others. 他住在旧金山湾区.

Headshot of Jessica Roper


Jessica Roper, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜就业服务主任, is a seasoned leader with over 15 years of experience in leadership within higher Education. She has honed her expertise in student services 和 career development 和 is passionate about helping others discover 和 refine their skills.


This article has been vetted by University of Phoenix's editorial advisory committee. 


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