
本文由 Raelene布鲁克斯护理学院院长.


护士教育工作者在医疗保健中发挥着重要作用. 帮助保持合规性和提高效率, 护士教育工作者在各种最佳实践中指导护士同行, teaching them how to better fulfill their responsibilities and further mentoring them in their role. Nurse professors also play an important role in research by considering new processes and theories that could better address patient needs. 他们有一套先进的技能和训练, have the capabilities to design and implement curriculum and revise educational programs for nurses.

作为一名护士教育者,你需要对护理和教学都有热情. 在这里, 我们会讲到护士教育者是什么, 他们的职责是什么,什么样的品质可以帮助他们在这个角色中脱颖而出.


A 护士教育工作者 is a registered nurse (RN) who transitions from nursing practice to a teaching role. Nurse educators use the expertise they’ve acquired to help prepare other nurses and prospective nursing students for their professional and technical roles.

Some 护士教育工作者s teach nurses who are preparing for their initial entry into their career. These educators prepare students to be accountable and responsible within their respective scope of practice.

Nurse educators also provide ongoing education to nurses already working in the field. These educators spend time familiarizing nurses with changes to medical and information technology, 诊断流程, 遵从性标准, 电子健康记录文档和其他相关行业更新.

Nurse educators often have different titles and responsibilities depending on their setting and employer. 例如,临床护理教育工作者在医疗机构教护士. 相比之下, 学术教育者在课堂上提供指导, 通常在护士开始全职工作之前.


护士教育工作者处理 职责的多样性. In addition to providing direct instruction, 护士教育工作者s are commonly responsible for:

  • 制定护理教学推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜
  • 评估护士在医疗环境中的表现
  • Overseeing instruction of students in nursing programs and newly licensed nurses
  • Researching new technologies, processes and best practices for possible implementation
  • Auditing current nurse duties and processes to identify opportunities for improvement
  • 对有经验的护士进行持续培训
  • 倡导能够提高效率和患者治疗效果的资源

护士教育工作者在质量控制方面也发挥着重要作用. 他们确保新护士在开始工作前都是合格的, and they implement training and refresher courses to ensure nurses remain qualified for their duties.


成为一个 护士教育工作者 在实践环境中, you must be a registered nurse with clinical work experience and a master’s degree. 在某些州,高级学位必须是护理学硕士学位. Strong 教学技能 是理想的,但不一定是必需的. 具有其他优势的教员, 比如观察, 倾听和耐心, 可能会发现自己特别适合这个角色.

教育工作者还需要理解和维护标准 护理信息学,即收集、分析和保护患者数据. 这意味着与护理信息学领域的进展保持同步, 包括护士可能承担的任何与信息相关的新职责.

为了持续提供高质量的教学,许多护士教育家加入了 全国护理联盟 (NLN). NLN颁发的证书使他们有机会接受领导力培训, 在线研讨会, 活动和其他技能培养项目可以为他们的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜提供信息, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜和教学方法.


护士教育职业,就像其他高等教育职业一样 预计从2022年到2032年将增长8%. 这一增长率意味着大约增加了118人,每年800个高等教育岗位.

这种职业发展很大程度上是由美国老龄化的医疗保健需求推动的.S. 人口. Nurse educators will be needed in greater numbers to help educate nurses who provide these services.

有几个因素影响护士教育工作者的工资, 视雇主而定, 位置, 证书和多年的经验.

To grow familiar with 护理信息学 — and improve skills in nursing administration and education — many registered nurses obtain a master’s degree in nursing after they complete their undergraduate degree. This secondary degree can be a bonus to employers who may prefer candidates with additional knowledge and further developed skills for the role.

Salary ranges are not specific to students or graduates of University of Phoenix. 实际结果因多种因素而异, 包括之前的工作经验, 地理位置和个人特有的其他因素. University of Phoenix does not guarantee employment, salary level or career advancement. 劳工统计局的数据不是基于地理位置的. 具体州/城市的信息可以在劳工统计局网站上查询.



  • 热爱教学 和指导 — You should have a strong desire to instruct new generations of qualified, effective nurses.
  • 评估/诊断测试能力 -作为注册护士,您应该了解如何正确执行评估, 运行诊断和实验室测试,并为患者制定治疗计划.
  • 有效的沟通者 -在教授有效的实践时,要定期与护士沟通. You might also interact with patients to refresh your skills or demonstrate effective patient care for nursing students. This role also requires empathy, which affects how your communication is perceived.
  • 前瞻性的研究 护理是一个快速发展的领域. 你应该定期找时间研究新的程序, compliance parameters and technologies that can further help your healthcare organization meet its goals.
  • 鼓励学生 — You should encourage new and experienced students to create an environment where nurses are encouraged to implement modern strategies and procedures.
  • 耐心 -学生并不总是第一次就掌握护理概念. Effective 护士教育工作者s show patience when fielding student questions and correcting actions.

有效的护士教育者也经常申请 成人学习理论 在工作场所. These main principles in educating adults help improve nurse education and encourage confidence in both students and teachers.


如果你渴望在护理领域增长你的知识和技能, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜提供以下学位选择:



A graduate of Johns Hopkins University and its Writing Seminars program and winner of the Stephen A. 狄克逊文学奖, 迈克尔·费德 brings an eye for detail and a passion for research to every article he writes. 他的学术和专业背景包括市场营销经验, 内容开发, 脚本编写和SEO. 今天, he works as a multimedia specialist at University of Phoenix where he covers a variety of topics ranging from healthcare to IT.



Dr. Raelene布鲁克斯, 护理学院院长, has been a registered nurse for more than 25 years and practiced extensively in the areas of ICU, 创伤和危重症护理. 她的出版物包括关注护理教育, 重症监护和多样性, 公平与包容. 她是创建、指导和推出创新推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的领导者.


This article has been vetted by University of Phoenix's editorial advisory committee. 









