
看过的 凯瑟琳Uhles, MIS, MSP, Dean, College of 业务 and IT


A supply chain is a system or network of manufacturers, 批发商, 经销商和运输供应商 that businesses use to source, create and deliver products to customers. Supply chains are essential to modern business logistics since they essentially get products where they need to be.

As businesses use more technologies and processes to create products, their supply chains become increasingly important and complex. Companies have subsequently started hiring professionals to manage their supply chains and ensure links coordinate with each other.

This growing need has resulted in higher demand for 合格的商务人士 to do the specialized work of supply chain management. 和一个 商业学位, you can pursue one of many exciting supply chain management jobs.


作为采购代理, 你将负责谈判, 采购, managing and sometimes packaging goods and services for an organization. You can do this by ordering directly from a manufacturer or distributor, searching online or contacting local businesses to find the best deals on products or services.

采购代理s also manage the entire process of buying and warehousing goods. 下订单后, you’ll have to verify that your order arrives safely at its destination, 是正确和准确的, 并被妥善保存. Some responsibilities are essentially universal, regardless of what industry you work in, including:

  • 与供应商谈判合同
  • 保存采购记录
  • Ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations
  • 监督库存管理
  • 建议如何最好地为产品定价

Other work responsibilities will vary depending on where you’re employed. 例如, a 采购 agent who works for a Healthcare facility will likely have a different workday from one who works at an educational institution or retail establishment. You can also find this role in manufacturing, transportation and government.


To become a 采购 agent, you’ll generally need a 学士学位 and relevant experience in either procurement or the industry in which you’d like to work.

The education requirements for a 采购 agent vary based on the work environment. 例如, if you want to work as a 采购 agent for a large manufacturing company, you may need a degree in business administration or a related discipline. 


截至2023年5月, buyers and 采购 agents earned between $43,680元及121元,680, 工资中位数为71美元,950, 根据….S. 劳工统计局(BLS).

尽管劳工统计局 项目就业 下降6% 在2021年到2031年之间, 它还预计大约45个,每年将有000个新职位空缺.

Salary ranges are not specific to students or graduates of University of Phoenix. Actual outcomes vary based on multiple factors, 包括之前的工作经验, geographic location and other factors specific to the individual. University of Phoenix does not guarantee employment, salary level or career advancement. 劳工统计局的数据是基于地理位置的. Information for a specific state/city can be researched on the BLS website.


运营经理的帮助 c公司运作效率高. They’re responsible for organizing and maintaining a business and its internal processes. You can find work as an operations manager in many industries, ranging from manufacturing and retail to banking and airlines.

The duties of operations managers depend on their niche. 不管你在哪里工作, 然而, you must have a deep understanding of how departments function and interact with each other. 业务经理s often have to make decisions that impact the entire company.


Many operations managers hold a 学士学位 in business, such as a 商学学士学位 or a Bachelor of Science in 管理, 尽管它并不总是必要的.

For aspiring operations managers who do pursue a 学士学位, the ideal curriculum will typically cover finance, 市场营销, 会计与组织行为学. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 may also discuss managerial procedures, such as organizational theory and leadership skills.

It may also be a good idea to take classes in areas outside of business, 比如哲学或人文学科, to develop a broader understanding of how businesses function within society.


截至2023年5月, 运营经理的收入在80美元之间,000元及239元,200, 工资中位数为101美元,280, 根据劳工统计局.

劳工统计局项目需要这个角色 grow 3% 2022年到2032年. 每年大约有311600个职位空缺.


供应链经理负责监督, coordinates and executes the logistics of an organization’s supply chain. 在这个角色中, you must be familiar with your organization’s processes and how they intersect with other businesses.

供应链经理s must work with many people within their organization to ensure all parties are on the same page regarding priorities and goals. They must also be able to adapt quickly as needs change and challenges arise.

The role of supply chain manager has grown in importance in recent years, due both to changes in business operations and increased volatility in the supply chain. 例如, companies sometimes outsource labor and production and deal with issues such as transportation disruptions and raw material shortages that can impact supply chains.


According to BLS, supply chain managers are categorized as logisticians, and they 通常需要学士学位 in supply chain, business or a related field to work in supply chain management. An associate degree or industry experience may be sufficient for some roles, and industry certification is helpful as well.


截至2023年5月,物流人员 收入在47,990美元到128,550美元之间, with a median wage of $79,400, 根据劳工统计局.

劳工统计局项目需要这个角色 增长18% 2022年到2032年.


产品经理s are responsible for creating, developing and managing a business’s products. They help determine customer needs and identify opportunities for the organization to fulfill those needs with its products and services. They oversee the implementation of a product from start to finish, 包括它的构思, 测试, 市场营销. They’re often responsible for various teams within their organization that handle different aspects of product development and commercialization.

产品经理s can be found in virtually any industry that creates and sells goods and services. This can include physical products sold in stores, intangible goods (such as computer software) and specialized services provided by employees.


与相关职业一样, product managers 通常需要学士学位 in business or a closely related discipline. If you want to work as a product manager in a particular field, you may benefit from getting a related degree. 例如, if you plan to work for a company that develops computer programs or software solutions, you may choose to get a degree in IT or software engineering. 在某些情况下, work experience or certification may provide enough skills and knowledge to obtain interviews without a degree.


BLS provides information specifically for industrial production managers who work in manufacturing settings to produce physical goods, 但一般情况下,产品经理不会这么做. 截至2023年5月, industrial production managers 收入在72,010美元到190,480美元之间, with a median wage of $$116,970, 根据劳工统计局.

劳工统计局项目需要这些角色 从2022年到2032年将增长2%. 每年大约有15300个职位空缺.


Demand planning analysts are responsible for collecting and analyzing data to forecast customer demand for products and services. They use this information to help their companies determine how much of a certain product should be produced, how much it should cost and where to sell it.

需求分析师在不同的行业工作, 包括零售, Healthcare, 制造与技术. 责任因行业而异. 例如, a demand analyst for a clothing retailer might need to assess which styles its customers prefer before placing an order with suppliers.


追求需求分析师的职业生涯, 你可能需要一个商业学位, 销售, 市场营销, 经济学或相关领域. The exact education requirements vary among organizations and industries.


Unfortunately BLS does not provide salary or job outlook information for demand analysts.


Earn a degree in business at University of Phoenix

If you’re looking to take the first step toward expanding your business knowledge and skill set, University of Phoenix offers a variety of online degree options. 这些包括:

  • 商学学士学位 – This program educates students about core business concepts that can prepare them for management roles.
  • 管理学学士学位 – This program builds leadership skills to help individuals become stronger managers and executives within organizations.
  • 传播学学士学位 ­– This program equips students with speech and writing skills that can make them valuable assets to any organization.
  • 工商管理硕士 -除了战略规划, students in this program get an in-depth education on such principles as management, the digital economy and legal aspects of business.


A graduate of Johns Hopkins University and its Writing Seminars program and winner of the Stephen A. 狄克逊文学奖, 迈克尔·费德 brings an eye for detail and a passion for research to every article he writes. His academic and professional background includes experience in 市场营销, 内容开发, 脚本编写和SEO. 今天, he works as a multimedia specialist at University of Phoenix where he covers a variety of topics ranging from Healthcare to IT.



Currently Dean of the College of 业务 and 信息技术, 凯瑟琳Uhles has served University of Phoenix in a variety of roles since 2006. 在加入推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜之前, Kathryn taught fifth grade to underprivileged youth in Phoenix.


This article has been vetted by University of Phoenix's editorial advisory committee. 









