
看过的 凯瑟琳Uhles,管理学硕士,硕士,院长,商业和信息技术学院


一个高效的企业可以按时完成任务,超越竞争对手,并灵活地适应市场变化. 许多公司依靠运营管理来促进组织内最高水平的效率.

操作管理(OM)介绍 how organizations use business practices to foster maximum efficiency. 其核心是, OM是将材料和劳动转化为商品和服务,以使组织的利润最大化. 它关注的是劳动力等因素, 一个公司使用的流程和供应链.

无论你是在攻读商业学位还是扩大公司规模, 了解更多关于运营管理如何通过满足客户来帮助提高组织生产力的信息, 提高收入,获得相对于其他企业的优势.


Operations management is fundamental to achieving an organization’s strategic goals, operating profitably and delivering value to customers and 利益相关者. It ensures all aspects of production or delivery work seamlessly and efficiently. 运营管理涉及的内容不止于此 供应链管理,尽管这是一个基本组成部分.

“运营管理是关于人员和流程的协调,以有效地提供产品或服务.e., (对满足组织日常业务需要所必需的那些功能的管理),Joseph Aranyosi如是说, associate dean of the College of 业务 and 信息技术 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜.

没有良好的运营管理实践, a company might fall behind in production because its processes aren’t up to standards. Customer satisfaction might dip if deliveries are late or if product quality suffers. 如果这样,品牌声誉可能会受到影响, 例如, 该公司未能实现可持续经营,危害环境.

OM, 换句话说, 触及业务的许多方面,并有机会在任何方向上产生重大影响.


Operations managers implement practices that can help companies innovate. 作为运营经理, 你可能会负责开发和实施提高工作效率的流程.

The responsibilities of an operations manager can include the following:


运营经理经常依靠各种技能来帮助他们提高工作场所的效率. Strong communication and organization skills allow an operations manager to create, 实施和优化流程,改善公司的工作流程.


As an aspiring operations manager, you might not possess all these skills. 这很好. 随着时间的推移,你可以通过训练和实践来发展它们.

You can also build your operational manager skills through ongoing education, 包括获得商业学位. 作为一名运营经理,你需要的许多技能也是工商管理硕士(MBA)毕业生所需要的技能.


运营经理可以在各种行业工作. As a result, you might work in many different locations as an office manager. Your exact location will typically depend on the nature of your employment.


Many operations managers work on-site at their employer’s place of business. 你可能在仓库或办公环境中有一个办公室, where you can maintain proximity to other employees or team members. 你也可以在公司的人力资源部工作, 考虑到人力资源部门参与新员工的招聘和培训.

In certain cases, you might be able to work remotely as an operations manager. As long as you have access to communication tools and a stable internet connection, you can draft and implement effective operations policies from a distance. 然而, 即使是远程运营经理通常也会定期访问办公室,与团队成员联系,并更近距离地了解运营情况.


Your exact income as an operations manager will depend on a variety of factors. 你的雇主, 雇主的大小, 多年经验, education and any industry certifications can all affect your overall salary.

截至2023年5月,运营经理的工资在 46,340美元和232,110美元(工资中位数为101,280美元)据美国媒体报道.S. 劳工统计局(BLS). Region and industry can significantly influence pay and earning potential, as different fields and organizations have different needs and opportunities.

The salary ranges are not specific to students or graduates of University of Phoenix. 实际结果因多种因素而异, 包括之前的工作经验, 地理位置和个人特有的其他因素. University of Phoenix does not guarantee employment, salary level or career advancement. 劳工统计局的数据是基于地理位置的. Information f或者一个 specific state/city can be researched on the BLS website.


成为一名运营经理是一个需要时间、精力和财务投资的过程. 担任运营经理的角色, 除了任何必需的证书外,你可能还需要完成必要的教育要求.


寻找能让你成为运营经理的学位是一个相当简单的过程, as many business programs include some elements of management in their curriculum.

你可以通过攻读商学学位来迈出迈向运营经理职位的第一步. 你可以通过获得管理学学士学位来加强你的运营管理教育, 例如, 或者是相关领域的学位.


根据你的需求和运营管理市场的竞争,你可能想通过获得硕士学位来继续你的学习. 管理学硕士学位可以在教育上为你成为运营经理做好准备,并教授运营技能, 战略规划和领导.

或者,你可以 完成在线MBA推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 before you begin a career as a business manager, a financial analyst 或者一个n operations manager.

虽然成为运营经理需要时间, 在你完成学业后, 你可以的 把你的MBA学位付诸实践 改善你选择的社区、市场或组织.


除了必要的教育, 在成为运营经理之前,您可能需要获得一个或多个第三方认证. Operations management certifications provide education in particular operations fields. 它们可以加深你在库存管理、服务操作和其他领域的知识. To become an operations manager, you may need to complete industry certifications.

不知道从哪里开始? 一些项目提供运营管理证书,涉及运营管理专业人士看重的许多原则(如精益六西格玛和供应链管理).



Operations managers are forecast to enjoy a positive job outlook over the next decade. 根据劳工统计局的数据,对 从2022年到2032年,运营经理预计将增长4%.

随着美国劳动力的成熟和现有员工的退休, 预计会有一些运营经理的职位空缺. This trend will allow younger individuals to assume roles as operations managers.

BLS Occupational Employment Projections, 2022-2032 is published by the U.S. 劳工统计局. This data reflects BLS’ projections of national (not local) conditions. These data points are not specific to University of Phoenix students or graduates.


Operations managers have a lot of responsibility, and that often leads to 无数的挑战. 考虑一下在工作日可能会出现的以下问题:



技术’s profound impact on operations management practices has historically led to 效率和质量显著提高.

Automation, 例如, can streamline processes and reduce manual labor. 先进的数据分析工具可以使管理人员更好地预测和管理库存. 由于货物和材料的实时跟踪,它还可以提高供应链的透明度.

最后, companies can use technology to improve the end product thanks to quality control measures, 导致更好的产品和, 希望, 快乐的客户.


After you obtain a business degree, you have many career paths to choose from. 找到正确的职业道路 isn’t always easy, particularly when you’re passionate about several different markets. 幸运的是,这不是你需要立即做出的决定.

Instead, you can first take steps toward your optimal career path when you 选择一个相关的大学项目. Find an educational institution that speaks to your interests and needs, 一个专注于帮助你追求你的 的职业目标. 寻找由经验丰富的行业专业人士教授的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜,他们提供灵活性和问责制的正确组合,以鼓励个人成长.

如果你是一个有沟通技巧的人, 你想帮助一个或多个组织提高他们的产出, 运营经理的角色可能非常适合你.如果你对运营管理的职业感兴趣, 你可以在a等项目中学习相关技能 管理学学士学位 or Bachelor of Science in 业务 with an Operations 管理 Certificate 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜. If you’re already equipped with a bachelor’s degree, you might consider a 工商管理硕士 或者一个 管理学硕士. 了解更多关于 网上商业计划 通过UOPX.



他毕业于约翰霍普金斯大学及其写作研讨会项目,并获得了史蒂芬A. 狄克逊文学奖, 迈克尔·费德 brings an eye for detail and a passion for research to every article he writes. His academic and professional background includes experience in marketing, 内容开发, 脚本编写和SEO. 今天, 他是推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的多媒体专家,在那里他涉及从医疗保健到IT的各种主题.



Currently Dean of the College of 业务 and 信息技术, 凯瑟琳Uhles has served University of Phoenix in a variety of roles since 2006. 在加入推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜之前, 凯瑟琳在凤凰城教五年级的贫困儿童.


This article has been vetted by University of Phoenix's editorial advisory committee. 








